Name: Lankford Cemetery
Active: No
Location: Off Dearborn Drive, off Jericho Road outside Taswell, IN. Cemetery on private property.
GPS: 86.5321 W / 38.3823 N
Info: On private property, so get permission first. Small family cemetery. Apparently there is at least 4 burials, but I could not get close enough to view the fallen over stones as there was a black snake next to them!!! Safety first, so I'll head back some other time to see if I can read them.
Satellite Photo:
Click on a thumbnail for a larger picture:
No tour video was recorded.
Burial list:
Annie Lankford Died 1882 Age 36 years
Larken Lankford Died 1890 Age 31 years
No other info regarding the cemetery. If you know of other burials, let me know.